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Can you identify where in Kittitas County this photo was taken? Answer at bottom of the page
25th Anniversary Hunters Breakfast
A crisp October day brought out over 300 hungry folks to the 25th annual Hunters Breakfast! Our great volunteers served pancakes, ham, and eggs to a crowd of hunters, locals and folks who traveled from Seattle via the Park District vans. Thank you to all who helped, from making apple butter to cooking, cleaning, pouring coffee, selling raffle tickets, the list goes on! And thank you to Hugh Fraser and his musical friends who provided music for the event. The $300 taken in from our raffle items provided gifts for upper county kids through the Giving Tree program.
Gifts from the Heart…

A little snow didn’t stop folks from coming out to the 17th annual Christmas Bazaar on November 10. Steaming hot coffee, homemade goodies and a tasty lunch put folks in a festive mood as they shopped the bake sale and booths of 20 vendors. Thank you to all who baked, made soups, chili and hot dogs, set up, and helped at the event. And a big thank you to Bev Allenbaugh and Barb Sowers for your work with the vendors and the food for our hot lunch menu. It was a grand success!
It’s Beginning to Look Like Christmas
It did begin to look – and sound – like Christmas on December 2 at our annual Grange Community Christmas Dinner. The Mountain Voices Community Choir & Director Karen Ingalls made the hall ring with popular and traditional holiday music. We had a very full hall of folks who came to share a delicious dinner of roast turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing and a myriad of shared potluck dishes. Thank you to Karen and the Choir members, as well as our fabulous Grange cooks!
President’s Paragraph, by Claire Lucke

Happy New Year! 2012 was a busy year here at Swauk- Teanaway Grange. Our Grange Hall has been the site of meetings for Boy Scouts, Hunter Safety Classes, and 4-H. A local theater group put on a play at the hall in May. Two $1,000 scholarships were awarded to high school seniors this year. Our Grange is home to a local bluegrass jam and a square dance club. Monthly potluck events bring our community together and provide entertainment for all ages. Our Candidate Forums provide a way for voters to make informed decisions. Seven weddings were held at our hall in 2012, providing a beautiful setting for these young people as they begin their lives together. At our October business meeting, we voted to use money from the raffle sales at the Hunters Breakfast to provide Christmas gifts for needy upper county children through the Giving Tree program. Additional donations more than doubled those funds, which, so we were able to provide Christmas gifts for 15 children, making their Christmas a lot brighter. Auxiliary members did the shopping and wrapping, and the gifts were taken to the Cle Elum Sterling Savings Bank the week before Christmas. We were also able to assist a local family struggling with medical and financial challenges with a grocery gift card. Without your help, we could not accomplish all of these good things. Thank you to Donna Carollo for organizing this outreach project. 2013 will bring even more opportunities for our Grange to shine!
Scholarship Fundraiser Dinner

Saturday, February 2 You’ll be treated to a delicious Spaghetti Dinner with Bolognese sauce, Caesar salad, Cle Elum Bakery’s yummy French bread and a decadent chocolate dessert! Entertainment will be by “Bassic Ivory,” a jazz duet featuring Kathryn Chavez and Ryan Donnelly, music majors at Central Washington University. Not only will you enjoy a wonderful meal and great entertainment, your ticket purchase will provide funding for our annual Grange Scholarship to an outstanding graduating senior in Kittitas County! All this for the donation price of $15.00 a person, tickets available from Sally Gililand (206-854-2936). Doors open at 5:00 pm, dinner will be served promptly at 5:30 pm, with entertainment following. This event always sells out, call Sally for tickets before they are all spoken for! Thank you to Barb Hamel for your leadership on this event! Scholarship chair Sally Gililand confirmed 2013 applications are available online at If you know a graduating high school senior in Kittitas County, please encourage them to apply! All applications must be received no later than March 15, 2013. Thank you, Sally, for your work on this committee!
Family Living, by Sally Gililand

All women are welcome to attend our meetings on the first Friday of the month at noon. Please feel free to invite a friend to a meeting, they may want to join the Grange when they see how much fun we have! Most of the time we meet at members’ homes. We bring our own lunches, and the hostess provides a yummy dessert and beverage. Thanks to Donna Carollo, who hosted our December 7 meeting at her lovely home, decorated beautifully for the holiday season. We will hold a planning meeting, hosted by Barb Hamel, at the Grange Hall at noon on Friday, January 4, to discuss Grange activities for the new year. The February 1 meeting will also be at the Grange Hall where we’ll work on prepara- tions for the following day’s Scholarship Dinner. The March 1 meeting will be a dinner at 5:00 pm at Stella’s in Cle Elum. The address is 316 1/2 West 1st Street. This is a well earned “Thank You” to the women of our Grange who do so much for our organization and community. The April 5th meeting will be at noon at Carel Edgerly’s home in the Upper Peoh Pt area of Cle Elum. Volunteers for cleaning the Grange 1st quarter of 2013 are: Jan – Kath Fraser and Jacky Fausset; Feb – Carolyn Berglund and Jonica Low; March – Peggy and Dale Rusho. Thank you all for your help in keeping our Grange clean and ready for rentals and events!
Membership News by Claire Lucke

Thank you to Donna Carollo who hosted our December Auxiliary meeting at her lovely home decorated beautifully for the holiday season. See photo at left (minus photographer Sally Gililand). Guests Jonica Low and Debra Massie were invited to that meeting and have since applied and been approved for membership. Here’s a little information on our newest Grange members: Jonica Low and husband Richard, also a Grange member, live on the North Fork of the Teanaway Road. Debra Massie and husband Jack live in the Hidden Valley area, where they retired several years ago from north central Washington state. In October we welcomed Jim and Patti Gylling and their sons Nick and Travis as members of our Grange. This active family lives in Hidden Valley and both boys are students at Cle Elum/Roslyn High School. Nick and Travis have raised goats the last nine years as members of the “This N That” club and the whole family is very involved in 4-H activities. Jim is a consultant on construction projects and Patti keeps everyone organized and on track. If you know someone who is interested in Grange membership, please let me know and I will send out a membership application. You can also invite them to an event, such as the Scholarship Dinner or Chili Cook Off. People enjoy the feeling of community we offer!
Grange Events, by Barb Hamel

Our October 20 Potluck & Bluegrass Concert featuring The Chelsey Craven Band opened our fall season with a flourish. A new event for our Grange, the Barn Dance on November 17 featuring Lem Pratt & The Cascade Rangers filled the hall and the dance floor and was a definite success. We’ll repeat these events in 2013, watch our newsletters for times and dates. It’s

CHILI COOK OFF & COWBOY CONCERT TIME on Saturday, March 16th. Doors open at 5:30 pm, the judging and chili supper starts at 6:00 pm, and entertainment at 7:00 pm. Bring your favorite chili and enter our contest for a prize. Or make a side dish for the supper – cornbread, salad or dessert. And what goes better with chili than cowboy music? Cowboy singer Andy Bales and cowboy poet Stan Kvistad will provide entertainment following the meal. These two cowboy en- tertainers were at our very first Chili Cook Off & Cowboy Concert back in 2009, and have graciously agreed to return to our hall for this year’s event, our 5th year!. Tickets are $8. For information or tickets, call 509-857-2580.

Put Saturday, April 13th on your calendar! We’re pleased to announce that the members of the 133rd Army Band, Washington Army National Guard, will be at the Grange Hall to perform a FREE concert at 2:00 PM. The Grange ladies will have desserts available for a donation. Please join us for an afternoon of homemade goodies and rousing music by these men and women in uniform. For more information call 509-857-2580.
The Swauk Teanaway Grange Community Bulletin Board
Organizations we are proud to acknowledge for the difference they make in our community!
Barn Quilts of Kittitas County
is Washington State’s first barn quilt trail. The objectives of this non-profit organization, organized in 2012 by a group of community-minded friends, are to: Honor our Agricultural Heritage Develop a Community Based Project Promote Fine Arts and Craft Traditions Positively Impact the Local Economy Promote Agricultural Tourism For more information on this project that celebrates the agricultural industry and history of our county, go to their website at: Two of our Grange members, Jacky Fausset and Lyn Derrick, are currently involved in this effort. Thank you for your hard work!
Spirit Therapeutic Riding Center,
located in Ellensburg, is a member of the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association. Their mission statement is to provide equine-assisted activities to individuals with physical, emotional and learning disabilities. Rather than focus on disabilities, they promote independence. Horseback riding gently and rhythmically moves the rider’s body in a manner similar to a human gait. Riders with physical disabilities often show improvement in flexibility, balance and muscle strength. For individuals with emotional disabilities, the unique relationship formed with the horse can lead to increased confidence, patience and self-esteem. For more information, go to their website:
We plan to acknowledge different organizations each quarter. If you have suggestions, please let us know.
Dates to Remember:
- First Friday of the month, at Noon – Women’s Auxiliary Luncheon and Meeting. Call Family Living Chair Sally Gililand for info: 206-854-2936
- Second Friday of the month, at 1:00 PM – Monthly Business Meeting at Swauk Teanaway Grange. Mark these dates on your calendar:January 11, February 8, March 8 and April 12.
- County Pomona is not meeting at this time.
- Saturday, February 2, doors open at 5:00 pm for our annual Italian Dinner Scholarship Fundraiser. Dinner served at 5:30 pm. Entertainment is Bassic Ivory, a jazz duet from CWU. Tickets $15 available by calling Sally Gililand.
- Saturday, March 16th, doors open at 5:30 pm for our annual Chili Cook Off & Cowboy Concert. Chili judging starts at 6:00 pm. Bring your chili for the crowd to judge or a side dish to share. Tickets $8.
- Saturday, April 13th, Performance by the 133rd Army Band. 2:00 PM Free Concert with dessert provided by the Grange for a donation.
Do you have a question? Need more information? Call one of the folks listed here, they’ll be glad to help!
- President Claire Lucke 509-857-2580
- VP Barbara Sowers 509-674-2528
- Secretary Gerry Lloyd 509-607-6624
- Lecturer Bev Allenbaugh 509-925-3297
- Treasurer Donna Carollo 509-674-2373
- Chaplain Barb Hamel 509-674-2982
- Family Living Sally Gililand 206-854-2936
- Hall Rental: Barb Hamel/Gerry Lloyd/Claire Lucke/Peggy & Dale Rusho Membership Claire Lucke 509-857-2580
- Executive Committee Members for 2013: Claire Lucke, Barb Sowers, Gerry Lloyd, Dale Rusho, Kathy Weber and Richard Low
* Barn Quilt at Seth Farm on Weaver Road, Ellensburg
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