Wrapping gifts for the Giving Tree project
Wrapping gifts for the Giving Tree project

Happy New Year! Every year just seems to get busier here at Swauk-Teanaway Grange!  Our enhanced website got us lots of attention and kept our hall booked solid through October with twice as many rentals as 2012!  This brings much need revenue to pay our bills and keep our hall maintained.  Speaking of maintenance, in June a crew headed by Dale Rusho sanded and refinished our maple floors, an effort that saved us several thousand dollars.  Grange members and square dancers put hours in  bringing the shine back to our wood floors! Thank you Dale, Kurt Lucke, Gene Muren and Manord Rucker.  A big thank you to Kurt for fertilizing and spreading weed killer on the grassy area where outdoor weddings are held.  Many thanks to Rick Hermanson for fabricating the ductwork for the basement furnace, and for helping Kurt install it!  Thanks to a generous donation from friends Terry & Patty Fike we were able to add a beautiful new commercial dishwasher to our Grange Kitchen!  Gerald Carollo     researched which model to buy and did the complex installation late in November.  Thank you also to Kurt and Gordon Dudley for assisting to complete the work.  Yahoo!  A load of dishes can now be sanitized in under 3 minutes!

At our October business meeting, we voted to use money from the raffle sales at the Hunters Breakfast to provide Christmas gifts for needy upper county children through the Giving Tree program.  Additional donations more than    doubled those funds, which, so we were able to provide Christmas gifts for 18 children, making their Christmas a lot brighter.  Thank you to Julie Hermanson who with the help of Donna Carollo organized this outreach project and to all the members who shopped and donated additional dollars to make children’s dreams come true!


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