Help provide scholarships to Kittitas County graduating seniors with a background in agriculture who are continuing their education as well as to those students who are applying to a trade school.

Please fill out and submit the form below to donate today to help educate the students of tomorrow!

Swauk Teanaway Grange Scholarship Application

Form for either the Agricultural Scholarship or the Trades-Related Scholarship, to submit online. Printable form for mailing also available, see website for details.

Which Scholarship are you applying for?(Required)
Applicant Name
Home Address
Applicant's Email
Parent/Guardian's Name (#1)
Parent/Guardian's Name (#2)
(must be in Kittitas County, Washington)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
to be verified on the attached/enclosed transcript
Did you participate in any of the following programs?
Please check all that apply
If you are undecided, please list your top two or three choices
List two professional references (faculty, counselor, advisor, 4-H leader, employer, etc.). Be sure to obtain their permission before listing.


Reference #1 Name
Reference #1 Address


Reference #2 Name
Reference #2 Address
Are you or a family member a Grange member?
Grange Member's Name
The information provided on this application, enclosed transcripts, and letter is current and accurate.(Required)
By checking this box and signing below, the applicant verifies that all information included on this application form and associated documents is accurate.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

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